Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Week 5 Reflection...

   Here is my week 5 reflection   This really has been a great class.  I think that it started off a bit shaky not knowing how things were going to be graded and all the issues I had connecting with my LFS, but now that week 5 is half way over, I have really enjoyed this class.  Below are some of my reflections from different areas of the class.   Enjoy!!

           Lectures – The video lectures were kind of comical!  These two guys have great and wonderful ideas to discuss for us, but the camera angles make me laugh every time I watch one.  I am supposed to be focused on the man in back, but all I can focus on the man in the front with the close-up of his ear that moves when he takes a deeper breath! 
·         Readings – I have really come to enjoy the reading assignments each week.  The two books we have for this class are easy to read and follow and offer a lot of detail without being full of big words and ideas that are hard to follow. 
·         Searches (like electronic searches of topics and questions) – I did use the internet to look for research ideas, but in the end, I used a topic that could have an impact on my school – ways to improve writing abilities in students in an elementary setting.
·         Assignments and activities – the assignment I liked the best was week 3 when we actually put our research plan into “action” so to say.  I am a planner and I like to have a schedule.  This assignment was right up my alley.  I like to know when everything needs to be done.  Posting this assignment and getting comments on our blog was also very helpful.  My peers have so much insight and great comments. 
·         Discussion Board – Nothing stands out to me on the discussion boards for this class.  There were good prompts that made you think a bit, but overall not really different from the last class.

·         Blogs – This has truly been the best part of this class.  I have always wanted to have a blog, but did not really know where to start or if anyone would really want to read what I had to say.  Yes, this class and Lamar program gives you a built in audience, but I have already started a blog for my class and we are going to use blogs as part of our weekly writing assignments for my fourth graders this year.  I also think the blogs are going to be a great way to stay in touch with our classmates.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 4 - Updates to Action Research Plan

This is going to be pretty short this week...

I have met several times with during this course with my site supervisor/principal.  We have been on the same page the entire time about what my project should be and how we should go about its implementation.  The only major change I have made to my plan at this time was the addition of the special programs teachers.  My site supervisor and I want lots of input in the PLC and we can improve the writing abilities of the students, but not too many teachers.  

Next week is week 5!  We are so close to being done.  I have learned so much thus far in the Lamar Ed. Admin. Program.  I am very happy!  :)