Friday, July 19, 2013

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs

One of the best uses of blogs for an educator is in the form of reflection.  Reflection is part of inquiry.  An educator can have a great question to be address, great data collection and analysis, but if there is no reflection to take in what was learned, then why complete the inquiry.  Blogs can also create another avenue of communication with staff, faculty and parents.  Blogs can be a way to connect with other administrators/teachers who are writing about something one may be interested in.  Blogs can be used in the classroom as part of a writing assignment.  They can be used in a group or individual setting.  Students who have to use blogs for writing assignments  create opportunities to work with individual students on the proof reading process and having one on one conversations with students about their


  1. Leigh Ann I totally agree with you on the importance of reflection. In order to know what aspect of a campus needs attention one must reflect/remember what has occurred. Blogs are a great idea because it can bridge many people together with just a click.

  2. Using blogs for reflection is phenomenal! I have my students reflect after most activities. Getting them to take just a few minutes to stop, think, and write can really help them grasp what they have just learned. As teachers, we need that time to also stop and reflect so that in all of our hustling and bustling we get a chance to stop and soak it all in!
